About Carisa Hays

Carisa Hays

Carisa Hays established Carisa Hays Public Relations in 2023. A long-time publishing executive, Carisa has held publicity director positions at the Crown Publishing Group, Free Press/Simon & Schuster, Inc., Dell/Delacorte & The Dial Press, and Putnam.

Carisa has planned and executed publicity campaigns for books by Michelle Obama, Barack Obama and George W. Bush and journalists Peter Bergen, James Risen, and Charles Krauthammer. She has also worked with prominent novelists including Kurt Vonnegut, Judy Blume, and Alice Hoffman.

In addition to her years as a publicity director, Carisa was also director of the Random House Speakers Bureau where she managed the bureau and arranged speaking engagements for a select group of bestselling authors including Taylor Jenkins Reid, Sheri Fink, Amanda Lucidon, and Shaka Senghor.

Carisa has worked on just about every category of book from fiction to current affairs, politics (on both sides of the aisle), celebrity & literary memoir, business, health & wellness, food & lifestyle, music, and sports to faith-based non-fiction. She is a passionate book lover and champion of authors, booksellers, librarians, and literacy organizations.